Diseases hitting your herbal garden isn’t likely, but in the event you’re faced with an outbreak, we’ll go over how to identify and treat the issue. However, prevention is much easier than treatment. Maintaining a healthy garden from the onset is going to make your growing season less of a headache.


  • Make sure there is good drainage for the soil in your planters. Good soil drainage can help prevent diseases that come from the soil. Finding mushrooms is a sign there is a lot of moisture and humidity your garden.

  • Weeding you garden can help it from overcrowding and containing too much humidty.

  • Read spacing instructions of seed packets to ensure there is enough space between plants to help moisture and humidity escape.

  • Planting each herb in the right light and soil conditions can also help prevent disease outbreaks.

Leaf Spot

PLANTS AFFECTED: Lavender, Violets, Nasturtiums

MANAGEMENT: You’ll need to remove spotted leaves quickly and destroy them away from your garden. Be sure to wash all garden tools and your hands after handling the leaves. Space your plants per instructions for prevention.

Herbal Wisdom

Downy Mildew

PLANTS AFFECTED: Tarragon, Calendula, Violets, Cilantro

MANAGEMENT: You’ll need to remove the infected leaves quickly and destroy them. Clean your garden beds in autumn for prevention. Compost tea sprays may help.

Herbal Wisdom

Bacterial Wilt

PLANTS AFFECTED: Sage, Nasturtiums, Scented Geraniums

MANAGEMENT: Prune infected branches. If the disease continues to return, you will need to destroy the whole plant. Do not plant your herbs where tomato plants have grown within 2-3 years for prevention.

Herbal Wisdom


PLANTS AFFECTED: Yarrow, Bee Balm, Mints

MANAGEMENT: Remove and destroy all of the leaves that are infected quickly. In order to prevent rust, make sure there is good drainage in your soil to reduce humidity. Reduce using fertilizers with nitrogen.

Root Rot

PLANTS AFFECTED: Sage, Oregano, Winter Savory, Lavender, Rosemary, Tarragon, Thyme

MANAGEMENT: Plant will need to be removed and destroyed. Root rot often occurs from overwatering. Make sure there is proper drainage in your soil and reduce humidity.

Herbal Wisdom

Damping Off

PLANTS AFFECTED: Majority of Seedlings

MANAGEMENT: Reduce the moisture and humidity around the plants. You may need to increase air circulation to help reduce the moisture. Do not overwater seedlings.

Herbal Wisdom

Crown Rot

PLANTS AFFECTED: Violets, Angelica, Parsley

MANAGEMENT: Reduce the amount of watering. If your plant dies, you’ll need to remove the whole plant and surrounding soil.

Herbal Wisdom

Verticillium Wilt

PLANTS AFFECTED: Nasturtiums, Sage, Cilantro, Mints

MANAGEMENT: Make sure you transplant your young plants from indoors/green house outdoors when it is warm. Do not transplant too early in the season. Rotate your annual plantings year after year.

Herbal Wisdom

Stem Rot


MANAGEMENT: Usually occurs from overwatering. Make sure soil has plenty of drainage and reduce humidity. You can help reduce humidity by pushing mulch away from base of plants.

Herbal Wisdom



MANAGEMENT: If the whole plant is infected, remove from garden and destroy. Do not add a replacement plant in it’s location without changing soil. Thin overly crowded plants for prevention. Water your plants in the morning.

Herbal Wisdom

Botrytis Blight

PLANTS AFFECTED: Scented Geraniums, Rosemary

MANAGEMENT: Any diseases blossoms need to be removed and destroyed quickly. Proper soil drainage and reduced humidity can assist with prevention.

Herbal Wisdom

Fusarium Wilt


MANAGEMENT: As soon as you notice a single leaf with this disease, you will need to remove and destroy the whole plant quickly. Prevention can be done by purchasing certified disease-free seeds.

Powdery Mildew

PLANTS AFFECTED: Tarragon, Yarrow, Calendula, Cilantro, Bee Balm, Lemon Balm

MANAGEMENT: This often occurs with plants without enough circulation. Thin overly crowded plants. Spray with a mixture of superior oil and baking soda on the plant as soon as you notice the disease.